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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  September 29, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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so here's our breaking news tonight, a second round of subpoenas in the investigation of the january 6th s insurrection. house select issuing subpoenas to the organizers of the so-called stop the steal riot that proceeded the riot at the
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capitol and nancy pelosi planning to hold a vote tomorrow on the bipartisan bill but progressive vowing to vote it down if no agreement on the safety net package and a decision spears has been waiting for a judge suspending her father as conservator of her estate and personal affairs. a lot to get to this hour, first let's get to the breaking news of the new round of subpoenas, bringing in former federal prosecutor and senior counter terrorist analyst, good evening. thank you both for joining. organizers and followers four speens -- subpoenas and close aids and alys to the president. what's it say about the commit's focus sir? >> you missed a controversy that kevin mccarthy is involved in this about subpoenas phone
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records. this is about, simply put, conspiracy. let me get you three lines, one, you want to talk to people like mark meadows about whether they washington involve in speaking with were involve in speaking with the organizers before hand. do you want to match it up with phone records, did he speak with anyone on capitol hill or linked with the organizers about the rally before hand. at the third layer you want to the subpoena the organizers to have them say in combination with what meadows says and phone records say did you talk to the whooipt white house. the prosecutors will say what's the timeline look like. interesting question, is anybody lying? that's what i'd be looking at >> doug. i want you to listen to this committee member rask in. >> we're trying to reconstruct
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chain of event that led to the most violent assault on the capitol since the war of 1812, in 1814, so it's important to figure out what the relationships were between the official rally organizers and the white house. and the violent insurrectionists who launched the violence on that day. >> so what sort of evidence will that committee want to see? phone records? e-mails, things like that? >> they're looking at all of that, don. look, this committee wants to make sure as jamie raskin just said, they want to look at the complete record. you don't go into this looking at only -- you know, in a very narrow view. you got to look at the whole events that took place, before and even after. and you do have two separate events. you got the rally and you've the got insurrection that occurred at the capitol. how are they connected. are they going to be able to
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connect the dots between those events. to kick the dots to communications ahead of time? that's the charge of this committee. i really commend them for really taking a really broad stroke at this and not getting involved in partisan politics either way but looking at the broad picture. that's what a good prosecutor does. it's how i think this committee is working right now so that at the end of the day they're going to give a report that's going to give a complete and full picture from beginning to end and not just focussing on what happened with the president, what happened with the insurrection at the capitol itself but complete picture beginning to send really important the >> do they have to cooperate? can't they avoid subpoenas by taking the fifth? >> well they can avoid some subpoenas by taking the fifth but it speaks volumes if they start taking the fifth. these folks may want to give a deposition or may not. >> they can't say i don't want to be in the middle of all the
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politics, it's too political, it's too detrimental. rather than where it speaks volumes about something else, maybe to their complicity. >> you mentioned, if they take the fifth that will speak volumes but remember there's more than just their testimony, there's the phone records, text and e-mails, those things they can't take the fifth on. those are things that can be prop produced and subpoenas in any number of fashion. i think you will see a lot of people will testify. because there's a number of these people, regardless what people think they're not going to have a connection between the entires of a pro-trump rally and violence that occurred. i think we'll find some dot that's will be connected and some will not. i think as people get subpoenas, as they decide to testify or not those dots are going to fall in place. we're going to be able too see that. >> phil, let me ask about amy
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kraemer among individuals subpoenas she was point of contact for stop the steal rally an keyed figure for congress to object to election results. what will investigators want to hear from her, all of this, stop the steal, whatever, all of it was built on a lie, it's just odd that we're even questioning people's involvement because it's all built on a lie. you understand what i'm saying? >> i do but that's not what i'd be thinking about, don. let me give a totally different perspective if you're a investigator, process cupe-- prosecutor or fbi agent, you're going to know the answer to what you ask. you will know about e-mails and social media postings, we talked about phone records. you can have interviews with other people. i don't want to snow just what happened or know just about conspiracy. when i go into that conversation
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with her i'm going to already know a lot about what she did or didn't to in terms of contact with the white house and in terms of phone calls. bottom line, i want to know if she's going to lie. so when i say ma'am, did you make any phones to the white house and she says no, i'm going to know the answer already. i got her. it's not just about what she says it's about what she doesn't say or what she lies about >> yeah. i'm sure folks out there heard our report before this jessica schneider, people are getting a slap on the wrist for these really egregious activities. -- act. what's it all matter if they get a slap on the wrist. what is happening, doug? >> well, don, look, i think people need to remember there are two separate things going on, one is the criminal investigation. i agree with the judge. i really do believe that d.o.j. as well as the courts need to come down on the folk that's are
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guilty. that they can prove guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. they need to come down on them harder because there's a deterrent that needs to happen. this january 6th commission is different, it is a commission to find out what happened, it is a broader, broader investigation. it is not a criminal case. it's not one where the commission is trying to prove somebody guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, the commission is trying to get the facts, and that is important for the american people. it's a completely different situation than the trials and pleas going on. it's important that the american people know all the of the facts that happened on that day, start to finish. that's why i'm so proud of this commission for issuing the subpoenas and doing all they can to get to the bottom of this >> i get what you're saying but i'm saying the actors who did the damage, went into the capitol, even if it's on someone
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else's suggestion if they get off scot-free there's something going wrong on capitol hill. >> i agree. >> thanks very much. >> thanks, don. >> now house speaker nancy pelosi trying to bring the infrastructure bill up for a vote tomorrow but progressives vowing to sink it if there's no agreement on the social safety net package and there isn't one. let's bring in our senior analyst and political analyst lopez, good evening, ron, your up first again, house speaker nancy pelosi saying she's going to hold the vote on the infrastructure package tomorrow but given this stalemate between the progressives and moderates is this going to blowup in the president's face? >> potentially. look, never bet against nancy pelosi she's lived on the edge and brought the ship -- brought the ship in time and time again,
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somewhat makeled metaphor. but right now it's hard to see where the votes are to pass the bipartisan infrastructure deal in the house. especially given the way joe manchin and -- there's very few house republicans probably on one hand who are going to vote for this. that means dunless she can convince the progressives to do so she doesn't have the votes and certainly joe manchin and kyrsten sinema have done her no favorite with their public comments and refusal to give the progressives any indication of the bottom line to have sense of parameters of the negotiation. >> laura, you said something genius biden bets it all
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unlocking the manchinema puzzle. did you coin that. >> i had some part in it. >> what if it's not a puzzle? what if they just don't care about his agenda >> well we are seeing some from manchin. sinema a little bit less. but manchin wants to undo 2017 tax cuts that republicans passed, that's what he wants to start with, that's what he is opening up with to the white house. yeah, don, there is a lot that they have not told the president, which is why biden is really pushing them to just give him a number, whether it's a top line or tell him what exactly they can live with in this package. because biden is betting if he can figure it out with manchin and sinema that the house sent rift -- centrist that are not on board and will follow manchin and sinema and then he can go to
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progressives with this really detailed framework and get them to support the bipartisan infrastructure package. now, i don't think this is going to happen before tomorrow or by the time nancy pelosi decides to bring up a vote. so it's very likely she pulls it if the votes aren't there. >> let's do the math here and and let's talk reality. okay. ron. if biden can't get something as popular as infrastructure done with democratis controlling the house, senate and white house is anything going to get done police refor, voting rights? why does it seem democrats always get in their own way? >> right, look, you're seeing here kind of the end result of trying to do big change on a slender majority. i mean the reconciliation bill has been correctly compared to the great society in a single bill. linden johnson had 68 democratic senators and 150 seat majority in the house.
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there's no margin for error. there's a difference between manchin and sinema. manchin put out a reconsimpleation about the bill and he gave a framework where they can go on the agreement, same with the voting rights bill in the summer, negotiating a bill democracy find surprisingly congenial. sinema is something else entirely. people have no idea what her bottom line or end game is, what she's trying to achieve out of this. a pack started in arizona among her supporters to fund a primary challenger if she sinks the reconciliation bill. but yes this is their best shot to pass their agenda. they can't do this the other priorities are falling by the way side because of the filibuster. immigration reform and voting rights -- it is in everyone's interest
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so they'll find a way to do it but didn't count as idiosyncratic from the senator from arizona >> earlier in the week my guest said if america wants to compete with other countries we got to get our infrastructure together, if we want wifi, broadband, is high speed rail, it's a norm for others but we're falling behind in those innovations. thank you very much. meanwhile in a los angeles courtroom, brittany for brittany spears, who is on cloud nine. ♪ >> it's a wish list on wheels. i
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okay, so we have more breaking news on the court decision brittany spears has been fighting for, california judge suspending her father as conservator of her estate and designating a reflationment to oversee the pop stars finances. and a hearing set for november. let's bring in lisa mccarly and state and probe ate attorney. hi, and thank you for joining, good evening to you. >> good evening. >> so brittany spears father jamie spears is no longer the conservator for his daughter, the man now temporarily in charge of her estate is someone she hand-picked how's this work? >> well it becomes a little challenging because jamie has control of so many assets and i'm sure he has diversified
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where the money sllocated what states. so slowly the new temporary conservator is going to have to go to each entity where money i kept or investments made and assert his authority and dominion over those assets. it's probably going to take him about a month to do that. it's a long it process. >> yeah, so we know brittany wants control over her decisions personal and professional does she have that power now in this arrangement? >> not quite. suspending conservator -- her father, didn't mean she's been restored to all of her civil rights. so she would still have to use the temporary conservator to make decisions, to enter into contracts. so she's not quite there. the next step, november 12th is when the conservatorship is hopefully
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terminated. and then brittany makes her own decisions again. >> okay. we'll have to see then. earlier in the week we learned of allegations of jamie carey spear. -- spears. ran a surveillance and monitored her and secretly captured video in her bedroom is this a violation of the blaw. >> absolutely. especially the conservator of the state which is where jamie has been the last few years. but no question once britain thors her home no matter what the stat britney enters her home, she has an absolute right to privacy as we all do. yes, i'm sure those were very upsetting allegations to learn from her attorney, from herself, her friends. family. so, yes. i expect that there will be an
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investigation about that. >> a hearing to consider request by britney spears to end conservatorship all together is set for november 12th. what's the next steps for britney's legal team. >> in terms of a stipulation? or getting ready to terminate the conservatorship >> well both, there's a hearing coming up, what's next for her team. >> well, in terms of what's next, termination of conservatorship means britney will end up having to go and hopefully find agents and investment advisors, all of the people she's going to put together as her team. so right now i think she should be drafting documents so that she's reviewing contracts, so that when the conservatorship is terminated she's able to get her team off to a great start and they will start taking care of her money. >> without delay.
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>> and britney gets to make the decisions. >> without a delay between the conservatorship and her being in control of her own self and her wealth and money. and her future. >> exactly. >> thank you very much. i appreciate you joining us. >> thank you. >> thank you. new information coming out on the laundrie family, attorney telling cnn brian laundrie bought a new phone right before he disappeared. stay with us. his future became my focus. lavender baths calmed him. so we made a plan to turn bath time into a business. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at don't settle for products that give you a sort-of white smile. try crest whitening emulsions... ...for 100% whiter teeth. its highly active peroxide droplets... ...swipe on in seconds. better. faster. 100% whiter teeth. shop
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as the search for brian laundrie continues in florida new developments as fbi has surveillance video from a campground from the days the laundrie attorney says laundrie was there with brian laundrie. a lot to dig in with our agent and analyst, author of the upcoming book "awakening, ladies leadership and the lies we've been told" good evening. >> good evening. >> the laundrie family attorney previously told cnn brian purchased a cellphone at at&t september 14th, the last day his parents say they saw him. he now said it was purchased on the 4th. he left that phone at the parents house and now the fbi has it. we don't know what happened to his previous phone. and we don't know if that new phone was the only one he bought at the store.
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i know it's -- you know, kplik kapted here -- complicated here, does any of it make sense? >> none of it makes sense, don. what we do know is this family went on what appeared to be a camping trip during the time that gabby was missing and at some point when the police -- after gabby's parents make a report that she is missing the police come to talk to brian who had been on a cross-country trip with her and rather than talking to brian and get answers they get met with here's brian's attorney, call him. so something had to transpire during the days he was home with his family, caused them enough concern they reached out and hired a attorney. it's puzzling that a family knew brian was dating, perhaps engaged to gabby, that there wouldn't be more concern and effort to find out where she was to help find her. .
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so the conduct is very, very suspicious. both -- not only brian's conduct but the conduct of his parents as well >> steve, there's new footage from the park where brian laundrie and parents went camping and has been turned over to the fbi what will they be looking for in this video? >> well, the problem they're going to have is what they are looking for, they probably don't have audio for it. i think what they would be doing as fbi agent would be to canvas the entire area to find out first of all what they were doing there, whether they bought things, whether they bought gear, whether they bought outdoor equipment, whatever they did, whatever activities they engaged in in the area. because they clearly wanted to get away from the potential -- potential interest around their home. >> at a press conference that happened yesterday an attorney for gabby petito's family
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expressed skepticism that laundrie's parents would help the fbi in their search. as an attorney, how would you characterize the behavior of brian's parents from the beginning when their son returned home without his fiancée. >> well, let's face it don, the behavior is not only suspicious, you could say it is abhorrent and immoral. he comes home without his girl and you arrange for him to get an attorney and you don't contact the girl's family and you do nothing to help this family find their daughter who is found du dead, you still don't come forward and give the fbi, law enforcement or family any information. it's a little hard for me as a parent of three kids to understand how any family could behave in this way. i understand the tendency to protect your own child we have an obligation even beyond our own kids and if our child has
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done something illegal, as parents we have obligation to speak up. that's separate from his legal rights and people are slamming me online about these comments but we can separate the law and legal obl gapgs the family -- legal obligation from the moral thing. >> how do we know if he was up front to his parent s. he could have fed him a line. >> why are you hiring a lawyer for your son if you don't believe there's something that your son shouldn't be talking to law enforcement about. that's what doesn't make sense. we don't know what he said to his parents but you don't get a lawyer for your kid and say i'm not going to let my kid talk to law enforcement or the attorney unless there's jeopardy. we're not stupid and can't ignore the red flags. >> steve, in all of this what do you think the best lead
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investigators have now? >> i think the best lead is on the phone. he has the previous phone. he has this phone. i don't think they'll find anything significant on this phone, the new phone, which would indicate it was just a shill, it was just something he was going to lay down as a red herring. i think the family -- the only thing that explains their behavior is -- is conspiracy. that's the only thing that makes sense, that they are conspiring to keep him out of trouble or out of the hands of law enforcement. and i think the phones and the electronic evidence that you're going to have is going to be pretty, pretty profound. >> thank you, both. to be continued. see you next time. >> thanks, don. imagine your neighbor, okay, imagine if your neighbor was blaring monkey noises and flashing these lights at your house, we'll put them up, that's
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so imagine moving your family into your dream home to
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start a new life only to find yourself subjected to non-stop harassment from your new neighbor. that's what a black family in virginia beach has been living with. they describe an es clating campaign of racial slurs, loud music and monkey noises. ♪ >> so, yep, a black family moves in and a neighbor tries to to drive them out with monkey noises, local police say it is appalling behavior but not criminally actionable. janik joins me, thank you so much for joining, sorry you're
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dealing with this. you moved in five years ago. >> yes. >> what's it been like for you? did it start right away? >> no it started about a year, year and half afterwards. and it started off, you know, just during the day and again depending on which one of the family stepped out, you know, a different song would play, the lights on his house would start blinking because as we step out of our home we would trigger sensors that would then turn on music. one family soon as they pulled up in their driveway the music would start. or you step outside your house, you know, everything will start recording, or, it was constantly like being on surveillance and the music was the cherry on top, it was a lot but that's what it started with. >> you got banjo music, monkey
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and flashing lights and there's more. listen to what your neighbor is playing. >> from now on if a person uses the word figure it must be at least seven words away from the word guy. -- >> you've got three kids, right? how do you explain that to them? >> to be honest with you, my oldest -- my two older kids, know, they handled it very well. they just ignored him and just knew that he was ignorant. and they paid it no mind. but my youngest who just turned 7 he used to be terrified. i say used to be because now he's come such a long way and he's found his strength and he's found his voice but drew, you know, he's been living in this house since he turned two so that's all he knows.
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and so he was terrified. he would be afraid to go get his ball if it ever went over there. he would just constantly feel like he'd come out and yell at him, which he has before. he'll call the police on the kids if they, you know, go on his lawn to get a toy. he was just so afraid of him. >> have you spoken to him? have you ever reached out to the neighbor and say, hey, you know >> only one time. again, throughout the years we try not to talk to him or provoke him or anything. but one morning we had just began virtual learning, september 2020, and you know, it was a hard time for us all, i'm working remotely, and where our office is, it's right next to his open window. and the music was blaring and i went out there, it was around
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8:00, we had just log in to school and i asked him to turn it down. and his response to me was, let me call the police to make sure i'm in good standing with the law to play my music. and i was floored because how about you just be a neighborly person, know. you know. a parent. anything, to just understand where i'm coming from. he was adamant he wasn't -- doing anything wrong. >> had you ever considered moving? >> absolutely not. no. >> we reached out to your neighbor for comment but haven't heard back. please said there's no criminal committed. as you said, to stay in good standing with the law. what happen when you call police? what do they tell new >> i tell them about the noise and they say they'll come out an they had do, every time. they come out, they ask him to turn it down and he turns it down.
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the last time i called and i expressed to them about the escalation with the n-word and she said ma'am, i'm sorry, there's nothing i can do, go down to your magistrate, and i said, okay, thinking that that would be a solution and that, you know, this was on a saturday. monday morning, i go down to the magistrate and i felt dismissed. he said that it was a figure of speech. or freedom of speech. or phrase. you know. and i just was like, so, where do i stand? so there's nothing i can do. he said we don't handle stuff like that, you have to go to civil court. so i went and talked to a judge in civil court and although he was a little bit more compassion aipt -- compassionate he basically told me if he didn't threaten my family or pose
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bodily harm that there's nothing the courts can do about it. so leaving the courtroom i felt deflated. i felt so defeated. i just felt like i couldn't protect my kids. i couldn't -- i couldn't imagine living like this in my own home. i couldn't imagine it. it really broke my heart leaving that courtroom >> it breaks all our hearts and any rational person. i hope you do find a solution. i think there's someone out there, some attorney or someone who can help you with this. again, i'm sorry. i have to let you go, this is so frustrating can't imagine how you feel. you be safe. >> thank you. hundreds of police officers are raking in millions in tax-supported payments but the thing is they've all been convicted. cnn investigators next. and is designed to last for up to 48 hours.
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sheriff is collecting a whopping $265,000 a year out of a pension that could be worth $10 million after he was convicted of witness tampering and serving time in prison. in new york, a police officer is eligible for a $500,000 pension who was convicted. and derek chauvin, convicted of killing george floyd, sentenced to more than 22 years in prison, is eligible for a pension worth more than $1 million. and they're hardly alone. a cnn investigation finds hundreds of convicted police officers are still eligible for hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer supported pensions. >> the taxpayers should not be on the hook for someone who did not end their career with honor
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and with respect for the rule of law. >> reporter: in washington state, this retired officer is still getting paid out of a pension that could be worth more than $600,000. in 2006, he responded to a 911 call from two teenagers who thought a janitor looked suspicious. he suffered from schizophrenia, and had done nothing wrong. but the officer stormed into the store, headed straight for an unsuspecting victim. and without a warning, he beat him to the ground, just out of view of surveillance cameras. backup officers tased him, sat on him, all as customers heard the final words, all i wanted was a snickers. he lingered for two days in a hospital and died.
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>> we didn't just watch somebody arrest somebody. we watched a police officer murder someone in front of us. >> reporter: but no police officer would be charged with murder. for years, spokane place said it was justified. it took a federal civil rights prosecution to finally uncover the truth almost six years later. he violated his civil rights by using too much force and by trying to cover up evidence. carl thompson was 65 years old when he went to prison. and kept collecting his retirement pension behind bars. the cousins of the victim find it appalling. >> to have a taxpayer pension go on for years and years or the rest of your life, time after you've been convicted of a crime like that, no, i disagree.
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>> reporter: while some states have passed laws stripping pensions from convicted cops, in more than 30 states, police officers would keep their pensions even if they were found guilty of murder or rape while on the job. the miami police chief believes the threat of losing a pension can be a powerful deterrent. >> pensions are important to people. when officers do the wrong thing, they absolutely should be taken away. >> reporter: police advocates say that can be unfair to the police officers and their families. >> why build on a tragedy, when the officer's life is over. they're in prison, they're civilly sued. so i would be in favor of not punishing the family that has been along the side of this officer. >> reporter: karl thompson is out of prison and he's already
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received more than $150,000 of his pension, and could rake in four times that amount eve eventually. he's refused to speak to cnn. is mr. thompson in? drew thompson with cnn. >> cnn as in the television station? >> reporter: yes, ma'am. >> no. you, no. >> reporter: do you think this officer paid enough of the price? >> he's out, but i don't think he's paid enough for it. i don't think he paid enough for it. >> reporter: proponents of taking away police officer pensions point not just to the fairness to victims' families, but also one study shows the threat of taking away police officers' pensions leads to better police behavior. don? >> drew, thank you so much. and thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. thier.
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so every touch will protect like the first. pampers this is the planning effect. as carla thinks about retirement, she'll wonder, "what if i could retire sooner?" and so she'll get some advice from fidelity, and fidelity will help her explore some different scenarios, like saving more every month. ♪ and that has carla feeling so confident that she can enjoy her dream... right now. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. tonight, i'll be eating a buffalo chicken panini with extra hot sauce.
8:57 pm
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8:58 pm
8:59 pm
and there you have it- woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself.
9:00 pm
good evening. there's breaking news tonight. no matter what you have been hearing for weeks now, it is not primarily about a washington standoff or a showdown or democrats in disarray or any other inside the beltway in the weeds jargon like that. it includes virtually everything the president and most democrats campaigned on including better roads and bridges, cheaper prescription drugs, free community college, dental care coverage, medicare, and more. whatever you might think of the importance of those items or the cost or how to pay for them, the president and his party promised voters and the public to deliver on them. that is what this running battle within the party to pass two big spending bills is really about


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